The aim of “Rev’Anthro” is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly online journals of anthropology and ethnology.
These resources are free and publish research or review papers in full text.

Korean Anthropology Review : A journal of Korean anthropology in translation (KAR)

Published by the Department of Anthropology at Seoul National University, Korean Anthropology Review: A journal of Korean anthropology in translation (KAR) introduces Korean anthropological scholarship to international audiences, by carrying English translations of Korean-language articles previously published in Korean anthropology journals. KAR selects from the finest anthropological research by Korean anthropologists that builds on their particular concerns and intellectual heritage yet is open to global engagement. The aim of this English-language journal is to foster dialogues between the intellectual traditions of Korean anthropology, on the one hand, and global and other regional anthropologies, on the other. Through such dialogues, KAR seeks to contribute to the global commons of anthropological knowledge by bringing in theoretical and ethnographic dimensions salient in the Korean context yet with broader implications. ISSN 2671-7123


Commoning Ethnography

Commoning Ethnography is an off-centre, annual, international, peer-engaged, open access, online journal dedicated to examining, criticizing, and redrawing the boundaries of ethnographic research, teaching, knowledge, and praxis.

We welcome submissions that explore the boundaries of ethnographic knowledge, experiment with forms of ethnographic writing, disturb the authority of single authorship, consider how property norms shape ethnographic research, and rethink communities of ethnographic research in a variety of yet unanticipated ways. We also welcome ethnographic and theoretical accounts of the commoning projects that exist within contemporary life, be they within academia, social movements, political spaces, emergent economies, environmental debates, creative practices or in intimate and quotidian arenas of social life. Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington. ISSN 2537-9879


Maloca : Revista de Estudos Indígenas

Maloca: Revista de Estudos Indígenas, do Centro de Pesquisa em Etnologia Indígena, é uma iniciativa do corpo discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da UNICAMP e intenciona divulgar os resultados de pesquisas sobre temas caros às questões ameríndias. e-ISSN 2675-3111


Wamon, revista dos alunos de pós-graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Amazonas

A Wamon é uma revista científica criada em 2012 a partir da iniciativa de alunos e ex-alunos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (PPGAS/UFAM). A Wamon surge com o bojetivo de publicar artigos originais a partir de estudos e pesquisas realizadas nas áreas de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, se consolidando enquanto uma referência para pesquisadores/as e profissionais do campo antropológico na Amazônia, sobretudo.e-ISSN 2446-8371


Revista Peruana de Antropología (RPA)

La Revista Peruana de Antropología (RPA) es una revista digital, independiente e internacional que sirve como medio para publicar artículos científicos, investigaciones, reseñas, crónicas de campo, entrevistas, ensayos y trabajos socioculturales provenientes de diferentes áreas de las ciencias sociales y humanidades, no limitándose a la antropología, sino dando paso a la transdisciplinariedad académica. La RPA se publica de forma digital y semestralmente desde el año 2013 a través de la colaboración y afiliación con el Centro de Estudios Antropológicos “Luis Eduardo Valcárcel”. e-ISSN 2309-6276


Teaching and Learning Anthropology

Teaching and Learning Anthropology is a peer-reviewed online journal that publishes analytical, reflective, and review articles on the topic of teaching and learning anthropology. The journal also publishes original undergraduate and graduate anthropological research and writing.

Teaching and Learning Anthropology is hosted on the eScholarship Repository, which is part of the eScholarship initiative of the California Digital Library. e-ISSN 2641-4260


Jurnal Antropologi Sumatera


Jurnal Antropologi Sumatera, The Journal is managed by the Unimed Postgraduate Social Anthropology Study Program. Jurnal Antropologi Sumatera, consisting of print and online editions, is an Anthropological Science journal that examines socio-cultural issues, especially in the local context of Sumatra. Contributors in this journal are academics, researchers, students, teachers, social and community science activities, cultural activists, and other parties with an interest in the development of socio-cultural issues. Program Studi Antropologi Sosial Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan. e-ISSN 2597-3878  


Journal of Sociology and Anthropology

Journal of Sociology and Anthropology: Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University. Journal of Sociology and Anthropology is a peer-reviewed journal which aims to provide a platform for publication in social sciences, with particular focus on current research in sociology and anthropology. The Journal is open to submission both in Thai and English.e-ISSN 2651-057X



CHAKIÑAN, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades surge como un espacio de debate, de periodicidad cuatrimestral, entre investigadores y científicos, arbitrada, de carácter internacional y dependiente de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Humanas y Tecnologías de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo (Riobamba, Ecuador). e-ISSN  2550-6722


Zahora. Revista de tradiciones populares

La revista Zahora nace con un objetivo claro de difusión de una serie de trabajos realizados por distintos grupos de folklore de las Universidades Populares de la provincia de Albacete. ISSN 1132-7030

Folkloristika = Folkloristics

Folkloristika [Folkloristics] is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal of the Serbian Folklore Association ‒ a large community of academic specialists, professionals, and postgraduate students. Research is wide-ranging: from the verbal folklore, through folk music, dance, beliefs, customs, traditional medicine, pharmacy, phytotherapy, to traditional arts, skills, and crafts.

Examining and illustrating traditional and contemporary folklore practices and processes, Folkloristika encourages various theories, critical and comparative approaches, the study of history and folklore methodology, covering all the areas of interest to the subject: the relation between folkloristics and ethnology, ethnomusicology, linguistic and social anthropology, social history, cultural studies, kindred social sciences and the humanities. e-ISSN 2560-3191


Tidsskrift for kulturforskning (TfK)


Tidsskrift for kulturforskning (TfK) publiserer vitenskapelige originalarbeid innen etnologi, folkloristikk, kulturvitenskap og kulturhistorie, samt tilsvarende bidrag fra beslektede fagfelt. Tidsskriftet ønsker en bred tilnærming til samtidige og historiske kulturelle tema og henvender seg til fagfolk, studenter og kulturhistorisk interesserte. I tillegg til vitenskapelige arbeider på norsk, svensk, dansk og engelsk publiseres anmeldelser av bøker og andre kortere tekster. e-ISSN 2387-6727


Jurnal Budaya Etnika

Jurnal Budaya Etnika apply the peer-reviewed process in selecting high quality article based on scientific research and theoretical by the by Anthropology of culture Departement, Faculty of Culture and media, ISBI Bandung. This journal collaborated with Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia Pengda Jabar, with Memorandum of Understanding.  e-ISSN 2798-1878


New Florida journal of anthropology

The New Florida Journal of Anthropology (NFJA) is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal run by graduate students at the University of Florida. We welcome anthropologically-focused research from any geographic or temporal area, as well as related fields. e-ISSN 2691-2260 



Pós : Revista Brasiliense de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais

A Revista Pós publica artigos, resenhas, entrevistas, conferências, ensaios bibliográficos, ensaios etnográficos, ensaios fotográficos, produções audiovisuais, e dossiês temáticos que possuam relevância e originalidade no âmbito das Ciências Sociais ou de áreas conexas que contribuam empírica, metodológica ou teoricamente para esta grande área de interesse. O foco editorial da Revista Pós está nas áreas de Antropologia, Sociologia e Estudos Latino-Americanos. A Revista Pós é organizada por estudantes de pós-graduação dos departamentos que constituem o Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Brasília (ICS/UnB), a saber, o Departamento de Antropologia (DAN), o Departamento de Sociologia (SOL) e o Departamento de Estudos Latino-Americanos (ELA). e-ISSN  2317-0344


Extensão Rural

Publicar artigos científicos inéditos e de relevância no escopo da revista, além de facilitar o acesso como leitores e autores da comunidade acadêmica da UFSM, aos periódicos editados pela UFSM, sem ferir a ética científica. Áreas de concentração : Desenvolvimento Rural, Economia e Administração Rural, Sociologia e Antropologia Rural, Extensão e Comunicação Rural, Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade. e-ISSN 2318-1796


Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology

Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology (IJMA) a global forum for scholarly articles on the social patterns of ill-health and disease transmission, and experiences of and knowledge about health, illness and wellbeing. These include the nature, organization and movement of peoples, technologies and treatments, and how inequalities pattern access to these. e-ISSN 2745-536X


Debates do NER : Debates do Núcleo de Estudos da Religião

Debates do NER é um periódico semestral, criado em 1997 por iniciativa do Núcleo de Estudos da Religião (NER), do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). e-ISSN 1982-8136


Cultura y conciencia

CULTURA Y CONCIENCIA es una publicación de caracter anual editada por la Asociación Murciana de Antropología (AMA). e-ISSN 2445-1991


Cuadernos Interculturales

Universidad de Valparaíso, Facultad de Humanidades, Instituto de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, Centro de Estudios Interculturales y del Patrimonio. e-ISSN 0718-0586


Cadecs : Caderno Eletrônico de Ciências Sociais

O Cadecs é um projeto editorial do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes), que visa propiciar maior circulação do conhecimento acadêmico por meio da publicação de trabalhos nas áreas de sociologia, política e antropologia – ou em suas interfaces. e-ISSN 2318-6933



A Revista Idealogando é uma revista eletrônica de Ciências Sociais, da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, tendo como objetivos principais divulgar e estimular a publicação de trabalhos científicos,  dentro das três grandes áreas que compõem as Ciências Sociais: Antropologia, Ciência Política e Sociologia. e-ISSN 2526-3552


Aegean working papers in ethnographic linguistics : AWPEL

AWPEL is a blind double peer-reviewed on-line journal dedicated to the ethnographic study of language from a variety of perspectives, published by the Laboratory for Ethnographic Studies on Language (LESOL) at the Department of Social Anthropology & History of the University of the Aegean, on Lesbos. Our aim is to provide an interdisciplinary venue for the advancement of ethnographic linguistics. e-ISSN 2585-2108 


Journal of Adivasi and Indigenous Studies

Journal of Adivasi and Indigenous Studies is a  peer-reviewed online journal that seeks to publish inter-disciplinary studies on the adivasi communities in India. e-ISSN 2394-5524 


International Journal of Cultural Studies Indonesia

International Journal of Cultural Studies Indonesia is a double-blind peer-reviewed electronic journal published by Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas. Academicians, researchers, and sociocultural activists are invited to submit their articles. The articles could be research report, literature review, seminar review, and book review, relevant to the mission of this journal. Its scope covers issues such as ideology, hegemony, social formation, maps of meaning, representation, identity, articulation, subjectivity, power, race, discourse, text, audience, desire, hyper-/post-reality, life-style, consumption, sexuality, gender, marginalization, subaltern, and otherness.  e-ISSN 2715-7237


Buddayah : Jurnal Pendidikan Antropologi

Buddayah : Anthropology Education Journal is managed by the Anthropology Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Medan State University.
Buddayah is a medium for the publication of scientific writings with a focus and scope including: the field of developing concepts and theoretical studies, including actual issues that are relevant in the fields of Anthropological Education and Sociology Education in particular and Anthropology and Sociology in general, the field of social and cultural development in Sumatra in particular and Indonesia in general. e-ISSN 2549-9173 


Anthropos : Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya = Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology

Anthropos is a Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology for information and communication resources for academics, and observers of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Educational Social and Cultural Anthropology, Methodology of Social and Cultural Anthropology. The published paper is the result of research, reflection, and actual critical study with respect to the themes of Social and Cultural Anthropology. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two referees. Program Studi Pendidikan Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Medan. e-ISSN 2460-4593 


Indigenous Knowledge Journal (IK journal)

Indigenous Knowledge Journal (IK journal) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal published by Center of Knowledge management, Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), in collaboration with Indonesia Resources Centre for Indigenous Knowledge (INRIK) Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad), Bandung, Indonesia. IK journal publishes empirical research reports (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods), systematic reviews, program evaluations, and case reports focused on communities in cultural area. The journal also publishes articles related to developments in practice, education of indigenous knowledge systems in the community, theory development, methodological innovations, legal and ethical policy issues in the area of indigenous knowledge of society throughout the world. e-ISSN 2776-3692


Aceh Anthropological Journal

Aceh Anthropological Journal (AAJ) accepts the results of empirical research as well as a scientific view of theoretical conceptual using the Anthropological perspective of researchers, academics, and anyone interested in Anthropology studies. These journals apply peer-reviewed process in selecting high quality article. Author’s argument doesn’t need to be in line with editors. The main scope of the submitted article is ethnographic research / qualitative research on topics related to certain ethnic / community communities, arts and cultures of specific communities, cultures and belief systems, ecological studies and their relationships with cultures, belief systems and humanity in Indonesia, in Aceh. e-ISSN 2746-0436



ETNOREFLIKA is published by Laboratory of Anthropology Department, Faculty of Humanity, Halu Oleo University in collaboration with Asosiasi Departemen/Jurusan Antropologi Seluruh Indonesia (ADJASI). ETNOREFLIKA is dedicated as a scientific periodical publication that is expected to become the medium of exchanging ideas and thoughts in the anthropological field and social and humanities science. e-ISSN 2355-360X


Balale' : Jurnal antropologi

Focus dan scope jurnal Balale' pada kajian sosial dan budaya dalam perfektif Antropologi. Balale' menerbitkan hasil penelitian berupa artikel etnografi, kajian terapan bidang antropologi, analisis teori dan metodologi bidang antropologi maupun ilmu sosial, dan resensi pada buku-buku antropologi.
Balale’: Jurnal Antropologi adalah Jurnal yang diulas oleh pakar pada bidangnya. Balale’: Jurnal Antropologi diterbitkan oleh program Studi Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura. e-ISSN 2774-4612


Indian Journal of Anthropological Research

INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH is a refereed, peer-reviewed, bi-annual journal. It proposes to publish a wide range of high-quality, peer-reviewed publications covering all the traditional and emerging fields of anthropological research. e-ISSN 2455-829X


Skylines of Anthropology

SKYLINES OF ANTHROPOLOGY: The journal aims at promoting original research in the field of anthropology. It will accept papers and articles from all fields of Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Social Anthropology and Archeological Anthropology, along with its applied and new fields, like Medical Anthropology, Ecological Anthropology, Forensic Anthropology, Development Anthropology, Economic and Political Anthropology, Anthropology of Borderlands, Ethnomusicology, Art and Anthropology, Anthropology and Folklore, Anthropology of Disaster Management, Museology, Numismatics, Cultural Resource Management, and several new ideas and concepts that will emerge with time in the future. The journal is open to ideas of the scholars from across the globe, to share their valuable knowledge through it. ISSN 2583-1402



Anthropo-Indialogs is a Peer Reviewed, Interdisciplinary Anthropological Journal published by ARF INDIA, New Delhi. The journal aims at advancing the research in anthropological fields that deals with holistic and scientific studies of man in space and time and is to bring together academics and researchers from all areas of Anthropology and related disciplines such as: biological or physical anthropology, social anthropology or cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology and Applied Anthropology, etc. for disseminating knowledge and also illuminating its relevance to human problems. ISSN 2583-1070


Movements, Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung = Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies

Im Sinne einer kritischen Gesellschaftsforschung will movements dazu beitragen, ein adäquates Verständnis der komplexen, heterogenen und machtförmigen Realitäten der Migration zu entwickeln und eine fundierte Kritik an den gegenwärtigen Formen der Regierung der Migration zu artikulieren.  Göttingen S. Hess c/o Inst. für Kulturanthropologie/Europäische Ethnologie, Georg-August-Univ. e-ISSN 2364-8732


Journal of Theatre Anthropology

The annual journal JTA, Journal of Theatre Anthropology, founded by Eugenio Barba, is published every year. Conceived as a comprehensive knowledge sharing project on actor's techniques, the Journal is published under the auspices of the International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA), with the support of the Fondazione Barba Varley, in collaboration with Odin Teatret Archives and the Centre for Theatre Laboratory Studies of the Dramaturgy Department of Aarhus University (Denmark). e-ISSN 2724-623X


Mirada Antropológica

Mirada Antropológica es una publicación periódica, de carácter científico editada semestralmente por el cuerpo académico del Colegio de Antropología Social, perteneciente a la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). Su misión es difundir la investigación y el conocimiento mediante la publicación de artículos inéditos, de alta calidad, relacionados con actividades de investigación en ciencias sociales y humanidades. Su público objetivo está formado por profesionales (investigadores, profesores y estudiantes) con formación en áreas relacionadas con la antropología, principalmente: antropología, sociología, etnohistoria, arqueología, lingüística, antropología física e historia. e-ISSN 2954-4297


Sloth : A Journal of Emerging Voices in Human-Animal Studies

 As part of our efforts to reach students with an interest in Human-Animal Studies,  ASI (The Animals and Society Institute) created a journal for undergraduate students to publish their papers, book and film reviews, and other academic and artistic work.

Sloth is an online bi-annual journal that publishes international, multi-disciplinary writing by undergraduate students and recent (within three years) graduates that deals with human/nonhuman animal relationships from the perspectives of the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences. 

Revista latinoamericana de estudios sobre cuerpos, emociones y sociedad

La presente Revista busca constituirse como un espacio de pregunta por el estatuto teórico, metodológico, epistemológico y político de los estudios sobre el Cuerpo y las Emociones desde América Latina y el Sur Global. Programa de Estudios sobre Acción Colectiva y Conflicto Social, CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES Y ESTUDIOS SOBRE CULTURA Y SOCIEDAD - CENTRO CIENTIFICO TECNOLOGICO CONICET - CONSEJO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS Y TECNICAS. Argentina. e-ISSN 1852-8759


re:think, a journal of creative ethnography

Welcome to Re:think: a peer-reviewed, open-access, interdisciplinary journal exploring the potential of ethnography as a form of creative research practice and expression. Our objective is to provide a platform for undergraduate student work which seeks to better understand the everyday life of ourselves and others through ethnographic research. We invite submissions in the form of academic essays, shorter reflective pieces, short films and photo-essays.  School of Social and Political Science and the University of Edinburgh Social Anthropology Society. e-ISSN 2516-8088


Journal of Sociology and Anthropology

Journal of Sociology and Anthropology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of sociology and anthropology. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of sociology and anthropology.  


Tabula : online journal of the Museum of Ethnography

Tabula focuses on the scientific results of young Hungarian scholars in the field of sociocultural anthropology and cultural studies. Its main aim is at promoting the perspectives of sociocultural anthropological way of thinking in Hungarian intellectual life. Museum of Ethnography in Budapest. e-ISSN 2064-7190


kritisk etnografi, Swedish Journal of Anthropology

kritisk etnografi – Swedish Journal of Anthropology is an independent journal run by researchers, and as such, it presents a tangible alternative to the business model of commercial publishers. It is owned and published by the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi). The journal is peer-reviewed, online, open access without any costs for authors or readers, and publishes original research articles, as well as reports from Swedish anthropological community. e-ISSN 2944-9839


Between the Worlds

The publication of this e-collection was funded by the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. e-ISSN 2683-0213


Basel Anthropology Papers (BAP)

Die Basel Anthropology Papers (BAP) sind eine vom Ethnologischen Seminar der Universität Basel herausgegebene Publikationsreihe. Ihr Bestreben ist es, das ethnologische Denken durch verschiedene Genres des Schreibens imaginativ zu ergründen und durch experimentelle Präsentations- und Analyseformaten zu erweitern. BAP veröffentlicht seine Inhalte hauptsächlich in Form von jährlich kuratierten Ausgaben, die online und in gedruckter Form frei zugänglich gemacht werden.  e-ISSN 2813-8511
