The aim of “Rev’Anthro” is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly online journals of anthropology and ethnology.
These resources are free and publish research or review papers in full text.

Nomadic Peoples

Nomadic Peoples is an international journal published by the White Horse Press for the Commission on Nomadic Peoples, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Its primary concerns are the current circumstances of all nomadic peoples around the world and their prospects. e-ISSN 1752-2366


Novos Debates : Fórum de Antropologia

Novos Debates : Fórum de Antropologia é uma publicação semestral da Associação Brasileira de Antropologia voltada a pesquisadores/as de todos os níveis de formação, desde a graduação até pesquisadores/as sênior. Ela é um periódico de divulgação dinâmica de pesquisas em andamento e recentemente concluídas no Brasil, mas também com abertura importante a trabalhos desenvolvidos em outros países. ISSN 2358-0097


Commoning Ethnography

Commoning Ethnography is an off-centre, annual, international, peer-engaged, open access, online journal dedicated to examining, criticizing, and redrawing the boundaries of ethnographic research, teaching, knowledge, and praxis.

We welcome submissions that explore the boundaries of ethnographic knowledge, experiment with forms of ethnographic writing, disturb the authority of single authorship, consider how property norms shape ethnographic research, and rethink communities of ethnographic research in a variety of yet unanticipated ways. We also welcome ethnographic and theoretical accounts of the commoning projects that exist within contemporary life, be they within academia, social movements, political spaces, emergent economies, environmental debates, creative practices or in intimate and quotidian arenas of social life. Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington. ISSN 2537-9879


Revista Brasileira de Linguística Antropológica (RBLA)

A Revista Brasileira de Linguística Antropológica (RBLA) é uma revista aberta, de publicação contínua e publicação de números especiais, publicada pelo Laboratório de Línguas e Literaturas Indígenas, Instituto de Letras da Universidade de Brasília.

A revista visa ser um fórum frutífero para os estudos acadêmicos sobre as línguas e culturas dos povos nativos das Américas, com foco especial no continente sul-americano. Seus principais interesses são artigos, relatórios de pesquisa, diários de campo, ensaios bibliográficos e recensões de estudos linguísticos que enfatizem a interface entre língua e cultura em uma perspectiva descritiva ou histórica. 

A revista publica estudos sobre línguas e culturas nativas, entre os quais, léxico, fonologia, gramática, sistemas e campos semânticos, classificações culturais de plantas e animais, etnografia, etno-história, onomástica, sistemas de parentesco, pré-história linguística e cultural, genética humana, contato de línguas, processos de obsolescência e de revitalização linguística, análises de texto e de discurso, artes verbais, linguagem ritual e expressões linguísticas de distinções de gênero. e-ISSN 2317-1375


Lagoonscapes. The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities

Lagoonscapes. The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities is a digital, open-access, international, and trans-disciplinary journal based at The New Institute Center for Environmental Humanities of Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. 

Lagoonscapes welcomes submissions from all the core disciplines of the Environmental Humanities, including literary and media studies, critical theory, visual arts, environmental and cultural history, political theory, and anthropology. 

The journal aims to promote a cross-disciplinary dialogue on contemporary and historical environmental issues, investigating relationships with non-human forms of life and the natural world from decolonial, feminist, and activist perspectives. Venice and its lagoon are a privileged location for sensing and interrogating the effects of human activity and climate change regarding the biological, cultural, and social dynamics of local ecosystems. 



Traditiones is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific research articles, welcoming contributions that explore a wide range of topics in Slovenian and European ethnology, anthropology, folklore, and other related fields. e-ISSN 1855-6369


Arctic and North

"Arctic and North" is an online scientific periodical that has been published continuously since 2011. The journal is focused on the Arctic and North from the perspective of economics, social and political studies.

The journal is published for the wide audience: scientific community, universities, research institutions, federal, regional and local governments, business, culture, and to everyone involved or interested in the Arctic and North.  ISSN 2221-2698 


Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde = Archives suisses des traditions populaires

Das Schweizerische Archiv für Volkskunde wurde 1897 von Prof. Dr. Eduard Hoffmann-Krayer als mehrsprachiges wissenschaftliches Fachorgan der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde gegründet und veröffentlicht seither - erst vierteljährlich, dann halbjährlich - Originalarbeiten zur Volkskunde/Europäischen Ethnologie. Rezensionen und Buchanzeigen runden die jeweiligen Themen- oder Varia-Hefte ab. ISSN  0036-794X


Teaching Anthropology

Teaching Anthropology (TA) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the teaching of anthropology. It is a journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, and promotes dialogue and reflection on anthropological pedagogies in schools, colleges, universities and beyond. We welcome content from cognate disciplines that explore the teaching of culture and difference, as well as ethnographic and alternative research methods. ISSN : 2053 9843


Hong Kong Anthropologist

The Hong Kong Anthropologist 《香港人類學》 is an annual online journal under The Hong Kong Anthropological Society that publishes ethnographic articles which explore aspects of culture and society related to Hong Kong. It aims at promoting anthropological awareness in Hong Kong and also provides opportunities for young scholars to publish their research. 


Alcheringa : ethnopoetics

Reissues is excited to launch an online archive of Alcheringa, the trailblazing ethnopoetics journal edited by Dennis Tedlock and Jerome Rothenberg through Boston University from 1970 to 1980. 


re:think, a journal of creative ethnography

Welcome to Re:think: a peer-reviewed, open-access, interdisciplinary journal exploring the potential of ethnography as a form of creative research practice and expression. Our objective is to provide a platform for undergraduate student work which seeks to better understand the everyday life of ourselves and others through ethnographic research. We invite submissions in the form of academic essays, shorter reflective pieces, short films and photo-essays.  School of Social and Political Science and the University of Edinburgh Social Anthropology Society. e-ISSN 2516-8088


Allpanchis, revista de estudios andinos

Desde su aparición en 1969, Allpanchis es una publicación científica periódica, cuyo objetivo es la difusión de artículos originales e inéditos del amplio campo de las ciencias sociales, con especial interés en el mundo andino. Fomenta un enfoque multidisciplinario, acogiendo el trabajo de académicas y académicos dedicados a las ciencias sociales (Arqueología, Historia, Antropología, Historia del Arte, Lingüística, etc.), cuyas investigaciones versan sobre la temática andina en sentido amplio (desde la perspectiva geográfica, histórica, antropológica, étnica, etc.). e-ISSN 2708-8960


Anales del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH). ISSN 0374-5317


Culture & Tradition : The Canadian Student Journal of Folklore and Ethnology

Culture & Tradition, founded in 1976 by graduate students from Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador and Université Laval, annually disseminates works on diverse folklore topics in English or French. Currently, the journal is run by graduate students in Folklore and Ethnomusicology at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, publishing essays, reviews, research, autoethnography, and creative submissions related to culture and tradition from undergraduate, graduate students, and emerging professionals. Academic content comprises topics related to folklore studies, ethnology, social sciences, and arts and culture studies. 


Folklor / Edebiyat : Journal of folklore & literature

The Journal of folklore & literature is a Cyprus International University publication that publishes original work in the fields of folklore, literature, anthropology, language, linguistics, that are based on analysis and research conducted in accordance with the scientific method. e-ISSN 2791-6057


Journal of Comparative Studies

Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds. e-ISSN 2592-8279



Antropologica. Caracas : Fundacion La Salle, Instituto caribe de antropología y sociología.


Anales de Arqueología y Etnología

La revista publica contribuciones teóricas, metodológicas y estudios de casos originales dentro de los campos disciplinares de la arqueología y disciplinas afines, en castellano e inglés. Nuestro objetivo es difundir avances recientes, trabajos de síntesis de proyectos con trayectoria o contribuciones especializadas en alguna de las ramas de la arqueología a la comunidad científica, estudiantes y público interesado. Anales de Arqueología y Etnología es una revista publicada por el Instituto de Arqueología y Etnología (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo). e-ISSN 2591-3093




Exchange : Chicago anthropology exchange

Since 1953, Exchange has been edited and produced collectively by graduate students in the Anthropology Department at the University of Chicago. Today, Exchange is released online as well as in print. It provides a forum for socio-cultural, linguistic, historical, and archaeological debate and experiment.

Anthropology & Art

Anthropology & Art is a new open-access publication series edited by the RAI Anthropology of Art Committee. The series stems from the international conference Art, Materiality and Representation organized by the RAI in collaboration with the British Museum and the School of Oriental and African Studies in 2018. Its aims are to make available to a wide audience works that engage with the connections between visual, material, aural and other expressive human practices and the lived worlds in which they take place from an anthropologically informed perspective.  ISSN 2634-8004


Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University : Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series

«Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series» include published scientific reviews, articles, brief reports based on the results of the most important interdisciplinary, theoretical and methodological research of domestic and foreign authors in the field of archeology, geoarheology, ethnology, anthropology and related disciplines. ISSN 2227-2380 


Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology

The "Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology" is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that focuses on the field of cultural and social anthropology. The journal aims to provide a platform for the dissemination of the latest research, developments, and advances in this field to an international audience of researchers, academics, and students. The journal covers a wide range of topics related to cultural and social anthropology, including ethnography, cultural theory, social theory, linguistic anthropology, archaeology, and applied anthropology. ISSN 2642-8237


Siberian Research

The main theme of the journal is focused on key issues of adaptation of the population of Siberia to its natural, climatic and environmental conditions, the state and protection of its health. The well-being of a person not only depends on the physical state of his health, but also on the satisfaction of his spiritual needs. The editors of the journal will welcome a multidisciplinary approach to solving humanitarian and natural-scientific problems of man in Siberia. The pages of the journal will discuss current problems of the peoples of Siberia of a humanitarian nature: history, archeology, ethnography, ethnology, folklore, linguistics, art history, folk art, museology, and protection of historical monuments.e-ISSN 2658-7270


History, Archaeology, Ethnology

The journal “History, Archaeology, Ethnology” is an international, scientific peer-reviewed electronic publication. The aim of the journal is to provide the scientific society with information about latest researches in history, archaeology and ethnology. Gory State University. e-ISSN 2449-285X


Korean Anthropology Review : A journal of Korean anthropology in translation (KAR)

Published by the Department of Anthropology at Seoul National University, Korean Anthropology Review: A journal of Korean anthropology in translation (KAR) introduces Korean anthropological scholarship to international audiences, by carrying English translations of Korean-language articles previously published in Korean anthropology journals. KAR selects from the finest anthropological research by Korean anthropologists that builds on their particular concerns and intellectual heritage yet is open to global engagement. The aim of this English-language journal is to foster dialogues between the intellectual traditions of Korean anthropology, on the one hand, and global and other regional anthropologies, on the other. Through such dialogues, KAR seeks to contribute to the global commons of anthropological knowledge by bringing in theoretical and ethnographic dimensions salient in the Korean context yet with broader implications. ISSN 2671-7123


Ethnolinguistics. Issues in Language and Culture

The journal was launched in 1988 as a forum for discussion of the problems of cultural and cognitive linguistics, the linguistic worldview, stereotypes and value terms – these were new and topical problems at the time. Since 2004, Etnolingwistyka has been the official journal of two ethnolinguistic commissions: domestic (within the Linguistic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences) and international (affiliated with the International Slavic Committee). It publishes contributions in the relationship between language and culture. The authors and readership includes researchers, faculty members, and students in language, cultural studies, philology, and anthropology. e-ISSN 2449-8335


HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory

HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, is an international peer-reviewed, open-access online journal which aims to situate ethnography as the prime heuristic of anthropology, and return it to the forefront of conceptual developments in the discipline. e-ISSN 2049-1115


Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology

Welcome to the official site of the "Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology". The highest priority for the Journal is the organization of productive academic exchange among both, experienced and young researchers in a wide range of issues in linguistics and anthropology, united primarily by a common geographical area – Siberia, including genetically affiliated and unrelated cultures of past and present. Moreover, the Journal is naturally interested in theoretical, methodological and technological aspects of linguistic and anthropological research. ISSN 2307-6119


Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica

Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica is an academic journal published by the University of Gdansk Press. It was established in 1992 and releases issues on single pre-announced sociological or anthropological topics. Each of the issues is edited by experts in the corresponding fields. e-ISSN 2354-0389


Music and Anthropology (M&A) : Journal of Musical Anthropology of the Mediterranean

Music and Anthropology (M&A) serves as a forum for studies which approach music as an essentially human and social expression. The journal is interdisciplinary and welcomes dialogue not only among the different fields of musical scholarship and the domains of social scientific scholarship, such as cultural and social anthropology, but also between music and psychology, folklore, feminist and gender studies and so forth. 


Studii și comunicări de etnologie = Studies and Communications of Ethnology

Periodical edited by the Romanian Academy, redacted by the Ethnology-Department of the Institute for Research in Social and Human Sciences Sibiu. Reflecting the various scientific activities of the ethnologists from Sibiu or of those from other university centres (Cluj-Napoca, Iaşi, Bucureşti, Timişoara) this publication brings a number of important studies and articles regarding the traditional Romanian culture and civilization but also that of the german nationality of the Carpathian region. The column "From the ethnology of the germans in Romania" is exclusively reserved to the folk-culture of Transilvanian Saxons; it contains contributions written in German and is always completed with a summary in Romanian language. ISSN 1221-6518

Compass : The Student Anthropology Journal of Alberta

Compass is published annually as collaboration between the Association of Graduate Anthropology Students (AGAS) and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Formerly Diversipede, our student-run publication allows undergraduate and graduate students to share their work and ideas, creating a platform for discussion and knowledge. Submissions consist of original ongoing research, reviews of current anthropological issues, and anything related to an anthropological interest from any of the sub-fields. 


Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia

Fundada en 1949 con el título Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina y Antropología Médica, comienza a estar disponible online en 2007Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia es una revista científica publicada por el CSIC, editada en el Instituto de Historia del CCHS, consagrada especialmente a la ciencia española, europea e iberoamericana. Publica artículos originales sobre historia de la ciencia, haciéndose eco de las diversas corrientes historiográficas de la disciplina. e-ISSN 1988-3102


História Oral


A Associação Brasileira de História Oral (ABHO) tem como um dos pontos centrais de sua proposta programática a publicação e distribuição da revista História Oral, que se destina a todos os interessados na metodologia, na teoria e nas experiências de pesquisas com fontes orais. Criada em junho de 1998, a revista é a primeira publicação brasileira inteiramente dedicada à divulgação de trabalhos nacionais e internacionais sobre a oralidade, desempenhando assim importante papel na formação de pesquisadores e circulação de conhecimento. ISSN 2358-1654


The Unfamiliar : an anthropological journal

The Unfamiliar is a student-run anthropological journal based at the University of Edinburgh. We are dedicated to publishing a wide variety of material, featuring not only academically informed articles and book reviews but creative work such as poetry, photographic essays, and audio-visual projects. Our emphasis is on integrating creative and visual work, and our publishing and editorial policies reflect our commitment to make anthropology more widely accessible. e-ISSN 2050-778X



Alternautas is an open-access, peer-reviewed, indexed journal published in the University of Warwick Press. We created Alternautas to provide a platform for analysis, critique, and theory on Latin American development which falls outside the mainstream Anglophone debate.Our focus is the intellectual production stemming from Latin American traditions of thought (dependency theory, Sumak Kawsay, sub-imperialism, neo-extractivism, post-neoliberalism, among others). As this body of work is mainly produced in Spanish or Portuguese, it remains largely inaccessible to Anglophone audiences. ISSN 2057-4924


Zeitschrift für Ethnologie

Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde. ISSN 0044-2666



La revista Trace (Travaux et Recherches dans les Amériques du Centre) tiene como misión la divulgación científica de las investigaciones realizadas en ciencias sociales y humanas tanto en México como en América Central. Trace aporta información en torno a las disciplinas de las ciencias sociales y humanas (antropología, economía, geografía, historia, etnología, ciencias políticas, sociología). e-ISSN 2007-2392


Revue d’études autochtones

Revue d’études autochtones est une revue multidisciplinaire francophone éditée au Québec qui publie des articles scientifiques et des chroniques portant sur les enjeux et les réalités des peuples autochtones du Québec, des Amériques et à travers le monde.  Les principales disciplines auxquelles la revue s’intéresse sont l’anthropologie sociale et culturelle, l’anthropologie appliquée, l’archéologie sociale et culturelle, l’ethnohistoire, l’ethnographie, l’ethnolinguistique et l’ethnoscience amérindienne et, enfin, les sciences juridiques politiques et économiques relatives aux affaires amérindiennes. e-ISSN 2564-4955


Turkish Journal of Archaeology and Etnography = Türk Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Dergisi

TAED, having a peer-reviwed journal status published in print and electronic, is a scientific, open-access, interdisciplinary published twice a year by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums of Culture and Tourism after the year of 2021. TAED, especially the studies within the borders of Türkiye, is an interdisciplinary publication that includes scientific articles on disciplines related to such sub-disciplines as Archaeology, Art History, Ethnography. e-ISSN 2791-8394


Le Mois d'ethnographie française

Bulletin de la Société d'Ethnographie Française "Ethnographie Métropolitaine". Société d'ethnologie française, Musée national des arts et traditions populaires.


Sociology and Anthropology

Sociology and Anthropology is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of sociology and anthropology. Horizon Research Publishing, USA, Alhambra, CA. e-ISSN 2331-6187.


Open Anthropological Research was an international, open access, peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the publication of original research in all fields of anthropology.  ISSN: 2657-4233 



Terrains/Théories est une revue pluridisciplinaire à comité de lecture articulée principalement autour de la philosophie, de l’anthropologie et de la sociologie. e-ISSN 2427-9188
