The aim of “Rev’Anthro” is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly online journals of anthropology and ethnology.
These resources are free and publish research or review papers in full text.


From 1981 to 1997, CULTURE was the official publication of the Canadian Anthropology Society (formerly Canadian Ethnology Society) devoted to social and cultural issues whether they were prehistoric, historic, contemporary, biological, linguistic, applied, or theoretical in orientation. CULTURE was a bilingual journal published twice yearly. In 1997, CULTURE merged with the journal Anthropologica and the Canadian Anthropology Society decided to retain the latter title as its official scholarly publication. e-ISSN 2563-710X



The journal Kinship offers a scholarly site for research publications dedicated to the ethnography and theory of kinship and covers current systematic efforts using new data or new ideas, including the use of these data and ideas to revisit and rework earlier assumptions in the field. It covers a wide range of kinship-based cross-cultural practices ranging from incest to marriage, to avoidances, to kin terms, to succession, to contemporary forms of motherhood, fatherhood, and family, and more. eScholarship Publishing, University of California, United States. e-ISSN 2766-8584   2021-

Narrativas Antropológicas

Narrativas Antropológicas representa el esfuerzo de los profesores de investigación científica de la Dirección de Etnología y Antropología Social del INAH por constituir una revista de alta calidad científica, que se afane en lograr una trasmisión amplia de los resultados de las labores de investigación que se emprenden tanto en nuestra institución como en nuestro país y en otras regiones del mundo. Quiere ser un espacio que dé cabida a todos los rincones del conocimiento propios de la etnología, la etnografía y la antropología social. ISSN 2683-300X



Revista informativa Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Amazonia .Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones IMANI.


Mundo Amazónico

Mundo Amazónico es una revista semestral de libre acceso, con carácter transnacional y multidisciplinario. La revista publica contribuciones con enfoque en la diversidad y las problemáticas de la Panamazonia, promoviendo la interdisciplinariedad y el diálogo intercultural desde un amplio rango de disciplinas en los ámbitos de las ciencias, las humanidades, las artes y los conocimientos tradicionales y locales. e-ISSN  2145-5082


Ethnology : An International Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology

ETHNOLOGY welcomes articles by scholars of any country on any aspect of cultural anthropology. Theoretical or methodological discussions are published only if they relate to substantive data. University of Pittsburgh. e-ISSN 2160-3510


ASA online / Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth


ASAonline began as an Association of Social Anthropologists’ online journal which published peer-reviewed, in-depth articles, conference reports and the prestigious Firth Lecture (given at the annual ASA conference). It published social anthropological work on a wide range of topics, by established academics and emerging scholars, and made it freely available. ISSN 2073-4158


Journal of Ecological Anthropology

The Journal of Ecological Anthropology (JEA), is a double-blind peer-reviewed interdisciplinary forum for innovative exploration of the interface between humans and their sociocultural and biophysical environments. Subject areas include, but are not limited to, historical ecology, anthropology of development and conservation, ethnobiology and indigenous knowledge, ecology of health and nutrition, anthropology of food and agriculture, political ecology, multi-species relations, nature and society, economic anthropology, resources management, socio-ecological systems, paleoecology, complex systems, primate socioecology, and information ecology. University of South Florida Department of Anthropology. e-ISSN 2162-4593


Ethnologia Scandinavica. A Journal of Nordic Ethnology

Published by The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy for Swedish Folk Culture, Sweden. ISSN 2003-6043


Boletim da Comissão Maranhense de Folclore

Casa de Nhozinho/SECMA.  Edita, desde  agosto de 1993,  o Boletim da CMF, versão  online  com  apoio  da  UFMA  e  colaboração  do  Grupo  de  Pesquisa  Religião  e  Cultura Popular. Tem  por  missão  incentivar,  coordenar  as  pesquisas,  os  estudos,  a  promoção,  defesa  e  divulgação  do folclore e da cultura popular no âmbito do estado do Maranhão. ISSN 1516-1781


Journal of Urban Ethnology

Journal of Urban Ethnology is the yearbook open to researchers of urban culture, both in its theoretical and methodological dimensions, as well as for detailed analyses of cultural aspects of city life. On the pages of JUE we present texts focused on theoretical, methodological, analytical, comparative and material aspects. Urban ethnology/anthropology are understood broadly, not only in reference to the culture of a strictly urban environment, but also with regard to issues of the dissemination of urban lifestyle to other socio-cultural environments, including small towns and villages. ISSN 2719-6526


Lectures anthropologiques

Lectures anthropologiques est une revue francophone, en ligne, entièrement dévolue aux comptes rendus critiques. Ces comptes rendus portent sur des numéros thématiques de revue, d’articles, d’ouvrages et/ou de documents audiovisuels, et tout en pouvant relever d’autres disciplines, ils en proposent une lecture anthropologique. Sa parution est biannuelle. La création de Lectures Anthropologiques a été initiée par l’Afea (Association française d’ethnologie et d’anthropologie). Cette revue manifeste une volonté de contribuer au dynamisme de la discipline, en considérant que celui-ci passe par la multiplicité des formes éditoriales et des lieux de débat. e-ISSN 2551-2927


Anthropology & Photography


Anthropology & Photography is an open-access publication series edited by the RAI Photography Committee. Emerging from the international conference of the same name organized by the RAI at the British Museum in 2014, the series will highlight and make available to the widest possible audience the best new work in the field. We are eager to solicit new contributions from anthropologists and practitioners which could be visual, textual, or somewhere in between. ISSN 2397-1754


Commoning Ethnography

Commoning Ethnography is an off-centre, annual, international, peer-engaged, open access, online journal dedicated to examining, criticizing, and redrawing the boundaries of ethnographic research, teaching, knowledge, and praxis.

We welcome submissions that explore the boundaries of ethnographic knowledge, experiment with forms of ethnographic writing, disturb the authority of single authorship, consider how property norms shape ethnographic research, and rethink communities of ethnographic research in a variety of yet unanticipated ways. We also welcome ethnographic and theoretical accounts of the commoning projects that exist within contemporary life, be they within academia, social movements, political spaces, emergent economies, environmental debates, creative practices or in intimate and quotidian arenas of social life. Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington. ISSN 2537-9879
